Working together to create safe and fair workplaces

Gender-based violence is deeply rooted in the fabric of communities and economic systems.

That’s why at Fair Wear we believe in a partnership approach. One in which trade unions, factory managers, member brands, civil society and the workers themselves play an equal role in improving working conditions.

This work rests on the Fair Wear Code of Labour Practices, which all Fair Wear member brands work to uphold. These are a set of eight standards that describe the fundamental aspects of fair and safe workplaces. They cover things like equal pay for equal work, the prevention of discrimination based on gender and sex and the importance of maternity and childcare support. Together with our member brands, Fair Wear has coordinated several pilot projects based on these standards.

One of those projects is our Workplace Education Programme (WEP) module on gender which provides short, targeted onsite training sessions for managers, supervisors and workers at the suppliers of Fair Wear member brands. At the end of these training sessions, factories are required to set up Internal Complaints Committees or Anti-Harassment Committees that ensure the lessons learned are put into action. On the brand side, our Brand Awareness Training Programme educates our member brands on what they can do to improve the situation on the factory floor.