Fair Wear, ETI, FLA & M-FNV support minimum wage increase in Bangladesh

Fair Wear joined Amfori, Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), Fair Labor Association (FLA) and Mondiaal FNV in supporting an increase in the minimum wage for the ready-made good sector that is in line with a decent wage for workers and their families. Each organisation is aligned in the active roles we play in creating and enabling an environment for human rights, responsible business practices, and sustainable trade relations. We do this with our combined 600+ member companies sourcing from more than 2900 Bangladeshi producers.

In our letter to the Chairman of the Minimum Wage Board, we supported local union demands for increases in the minimum wage, which is currently well below the rising cost of living in Bangladesh. We also stressed the importance of meaningful stakeholder engagement, including trade union consultation, when setting this minimum wage, as well as the overall respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining. Finally, we recognised the necessity of our member brands adopting responsible purchasing practices to ensure appropriate cost-burden sharing with suppliers.

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