Fair Wear welcomes Kuyichi as newest member brand!

We are happy to announce that Fair Wear has welcomed another new member brand, Kuyichi Pure Goods.

Kuyichi is a Dutch fashion brand that mainly focuses on denim. The brand was named after the Peruvian God of the rainbow, who brings colour and positivity to society. It aims to do the same in the fashion industry: it wants to create a system that makes life fun and enjoyable for everyone in the chain. Its clothes are made from organic and recycled materials, by people who are treated and paid right. See Kuyichi’s brand page.

Previously, Kuyichi was a Fair Wear member brand from 2013 to 2015.

The first Brand Performance Check for the new member will occur after one year of membership, and will be published on its brand page.

Every supply chain contains points of improvement that we must keep working on as a brand. Through our membership at Fair Wear we can provide better support to our factories to treat all of their employees right. And hopefully inspire other brands to look more critically at their own chain as well. It’s much needed.

Peter Schuitema, CEO, Kuyichi